Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Visual learners

Humans are visual beings, we eat with our eyes, learn with our eyes and blah blah blah. i guess it comes as no surprise that we decide whether or not something goes together based on how it looks. Outfits and shoe, furniture and the wall color, decor and it's location. But can we use these same techniques in deciding if two people fit together. Most people would call it shallow, including me. There are deeper things that should be look at including personality and situation. but we are visual being so we are always quick to judge base off looks. SMH

Sunday, February 19, 2012

You hungry??? sorry it's a Sunday

So i know that Sunday is suppose to be the day of rest but their are certain things that shouldn't be close. the most important thing is restaurants. It is just about impossible to find food on a Sunday night. I know, it is 10:27pm right now and i'm looking for food, you all think that I'm the world biggest fatty, and i'd gladly claim that if i could get a decent meal right now, and that does NOT include McDonald's. i would like president Obama or whoever is going to be our next president to push for restaurants to be open on Sunday evens, whoever does that has got my vote. This is a serious request, i'm a college student and we eat at all hours of the day, please cater to me!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

where for thou art bed???

I need sleep. Does anyone remember the days we got up at, what, 6 o'clock??? how the hell did we manage that? i can't even imagine actually gettin up at 7! i have an 8 o'clock class and even though i have yet to miss it (i have been late to almost all of them) each day that i am forced to get up for this class, i end up super exhausted and half dead the whole day. Ugh!!! I am now waiting for bio class to start in the class trying so hard to stay awake. Why do we subject ourselves to this? and it never ends, when we grown up we still get up super early for WORK. How are we going to stop this cycle?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

the "caste" system (look it up)

So i'm dating... :) and i made the mistake of not telling anyone about it really :/ and that blew up in my face. and i mad that ish facebook official. i'm lame. but at the time it sounded like a good idea, and it still is, maybe just not then, some people had the right to know before others, i.e. my sisters... all of them. oh well. they care more about my happiness and will get over this... eventually. hey, if my sister did, everyone should. Okay goodnight!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


It's crazy how people put such an emphasize on age. It really is just a number. The most mature person i've met is my 18 year old sister, she really wouldn't get along with anyone her age really. Yet when it comes to dating, we are not allowed to date someone who is older. I for one officially don't care about age. Age tells you nothing but the amount of years that someone has been on the earth. The person may be in a different stage of their life then you are but are you going to let that stop you from bonding with someone you really like??? If yes, then more power to you but I refuse.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

truth and lies

I wonder why it's soo easy to believe the negative stuff people say, yet the nice things are taken with skepticism . When a guy calls us ladies beautiful we chalk it up to there tendencies to do anything to get in our pants instead of thinking, maybe i do actually look great today. But when other females refer to us as "dumb" "simple" "slow" or the infamous "b**ch" we are hurt and believe it. why is this so. Why do we lack faith in ourselves???

Thursday, January 19, 2012

again about the weather

So i think the worse thing that could happen in college is to fall behind early on because that leads to rough times studying in the future. Sometimes you fall behind because you (and I) would much rather enjoy your time with friends having fun on a Friday night then in your room reading. (freshmen year) Now falling behind is due to uncontrollable events that lead to you missing class and staying in all day i.e. a visit to the emergency room. A bad case of bronchitis is just what you need if your looking to fall behind in classes, which brings me back to the weather. The weather (cold) is evil in my opinion. i can't blame it all on the weather, i'd also like to blame my piss-poor coat for rue 21. Rue 21 is a horrid store fyi that has the poorest quality clothing, your better off at Salvation Army.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

PA is bi-polar

I really could have gotten away with wearing a sweater yesterday and now it is snowing!!! Many students think it is just Pittsburgh but no, it is just as crazy in central PA, where my house is. whats worse is that there are hills all over PA so it really changes from one area to another. I remember times when it would be snowing in my development but if you drove down the street, it was raining. Mother nature needs to make up her mind because she is giving me whip flash changing her mind every other day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I am currently cat sitting for a friend of mine. her name is Tinka and she is the cutest cat ever! the problem is i'm  allergic!!!! :( but i just love this cat, she is too friendly. I'm also allergic to dogs but i will end up getting one. pets, are they the best!!!!! i'm thinking i'll end up with a dog with hair, i doubt that i will be allergic to him/her if he/she doesn't have fur. maybe i should research...


Yes, yes, i'm religious, or better yet i have a relationship with God. I go to church and read my bible and love God with my whole life and believe he saved me. i just wanted to add this earlier in this post, it's deep. i want to know your opinion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IAhDGYlpqY

School (my head or my heart)

My little sister, Didi, is a senior in high school. She is dead smart and i'm not just saying that because i am her older sister, she is! She is getting ready to go to college and has applied to Temple, Howard and other schools which i am going to ignore because her final decision is one of these schools. She really wants to go to Temple and everyone was talking her into going to temple and when she said she wanted to apply to Howard, no one took the school seriously. I am in no way bashing Howard, it is a great school, but I seriously doubt that its the school that I see my sister at and many people have told her the same thing. BUT THEN she got a full ride (told ya she's smart) she also got a scholarship to temple, but it wasn't a full ride and she was also accepted into temples honor program. Regardless of all that, everyone has now jumped on the Howard ban wagon. I'm still team Temple because i know she will love it there regardless if it cost a little more. It seems as soon as money comes into the situation, the persons happiness takes a back seat for whats "cheaper". Is that fair? should she go to a school her heart isn't at because it's cheaper, is it worth it? People now act as if it's a no brain-er where she should go, but she is torn. Her head doesn't agree with her heart.

The Beginning

So i feel like everyone is doing one, so i thought I'd join. Why? I feel like i have things to say, about music about love about shows, family, school, about everything. I go to the University of Pittsburgh and i'm studying business/pharmacy. i have goals and ambitions and i hope one day to have feel that my lived an accomplished life, full of joy. I'm sometimes unrealistic and really optimistic but, whats wrong with that? I have two little sisters and an older brother. I'm a first generation American, my parents are Nigerian. Lets see how this goes! It's nice to meet you all and i hope that people will share there opinions with me as i share mine with you.